
Japan Institute of Rhythm

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(1)学術論文:査読制の学術論文です。会員だけでなく非会員も投稿できます。字数は日本語で約 40,000字以内、英語で約 20,000 語以内です。学術論文の書式は、英語の場合 Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition のいわゆる author-date style(本文中にカッコ入りで著者姓と出版年とページ数により出典を明らかにする方式)に従ってください。日本語論文の場合も原則としてこれに準じることとし、同書に準拠している他学会が定める書式(例えば日本音楽学会の書式:http://www.musicology-japan.org/publish/msjstyles.pdf)を参照してください。また
日本語論文でも、英文のタイトルおよび要旨(約 200 語)を付けてください。査読は編集委員会および外部専門家で行い、査読結果は投稿後数ヶ月以内に投稿者にお知らせします。査読の結果、採択された場合でも、編集委員会より修正を求められる場合があることをあらかじめご了承願います。

(2)研究ノート:査読なしのエッセイ、書評、研究ノート、活動報告などです。当該年度の会費を納めている会員のみ投稿できます。非会員で投稿を希望する方は、ご入会ください。研究ノートは日本語で約 8,000 字以内、英語で約 4,000 語以内です。原則として査読を行いませんので、ご投稿いただいた原稿は、誤字脱字に関する著者校正のみを経て、そのまま出版されます。ただし、本誌の方向性にそぐわないとみなされる原稿については、編集委員会の議を経て不採択とさせていただくことがありますので、ご了承願います。

原稿は Microsoft Word(.docx)および PDF(.pdf)の2形式で保存した上で、ともにメールに添付した上で、ak1@d3.dion.ne.jp 『リズム研究』編集委員 川本聡胤 行 まで E メールでお送りください。レイアウトなどの確認のため、ワードだけでなく必ず PDF もあわせてお送りください。また図版はワードや PDF に組み込んでください。ただし出版の段階で、高解像度の別ファイルをご用意いただくことがあります。


Call for Submissions——————————————

The Journal of Rhythms welcomes submissions of papers on any aspect of rhythms. While we mainly publish papers on the rhythms of music,we are also keen to publish papers on the rhythms of other phenomenon, such as architecture, painting, literature, history, society, economy,perception and cognition, body and mind, weather and climate, and earth and space. The submissions must be written in either English or Japanese. They should be original; we do not consider papers currently under consideration for publication in other journals.

We publish two types of papers: scholarly articles and research notes. Scholarly articles will be peer-reviewed; the editorial board and at least two external reviewers will read the submitted drafts. The authors will be notified of the board's decisions within a few months. The length of a scholarly article should be about 20,000 words in English or about 40,000 characters in Japanese. All the scholarly articles in English must conform to the "author-date" style (parenthetical citations-reference list style) of the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style;
all the scholarly articles in Japanese must conform to a Japanese version of this style, as it is described in Japanese in the following page, for example: http://www.musicology-japan.org/publish/msjstyles.pdf . Any interested authors can submit scholarly articles, regardless of their membership status in the Institute.

Research notes are the other type of papers we publish in the Journal. These notes will be published without significant peer reviews;
we publish submitted research notes with only a few editorial corrections. The authors of research notes, however, must be the current members of the Institute in good standing, which means that you should become a member of the Institute or, if you are already a member of it,should have paid the annual membership fee of the current year, in order to submit a research note. The length of a research note should be about 4,000 words in English or about 8,000 characters in Japanese, but longer or shorter notes may also be accepted according to the availability of space in the particular issue. In principle, we accept any research notes, but the editorial board reserves the right to reject certain submissions if they are deemed inappropriate for this journal.

All submissions should be sent electronically, both in .doc and in .pdf, to Akitsugu Kawamoto, editor-in-chief, at akitsugu_kawamoto@yahoo.com or ak1@d3.dion.ne.jp . Please include the text, figures, tables, music examples, a 200-word abstract in English (in the case of scholarly papers), and complete contact information (e-mail, telephone number, and postal address). Please feel free to contact Akitsugu Kawamoto at the above email address for more information.